Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chapter 21: Jai

As caregiver for a terminally ill husband and mother of 3 young children, Jai was a strong woman who found ways to deal with the stress and emotion.

Write about someone with whom you can stand shoulder to shoulder and rely on for strength.

i could say that my fiance would be someone who i could stand shoulder to shoulder with she makes me want to succeed in life do great thing so we can have a good life she pushes me to do my home work so i can graduate and go into the military and really she is great cause she pushes me gives me the strive to succeed.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Chapter 20: "In Fifty Years It Never Came Up"

When Randy's father was 22 years old he was issued the Bronze Star for valor in World War II. But in 50 years of marriage he never told his wife; it just never came up. For Randy it was a lesson about the meaning of sacrifice and humility.

Imagine a story in which YOU are awarded a citation of valor.

this was years ago when i was little i was probably 6 or 7 years old and me my mom and chance which is my brother he had fallen into the pool at are grandmas house and just sunk right down to the bottom of the pool my mom had no idea but she did find out really fast i was yelling and telling her chance had fell into the pool but before i could finish my sentence i jumped into the pool and swam to the bottom of the pool and grabbed chance and swam to the top  gave him to my mom and she proceeded to give him CPR he was revived and we keep a very big eye on him for the rest of the time.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Chapter 19: A New Year's Story

The birth of Dylan, the first Pausch child, was dramatic. The placenta had torn away from the uterine wall, and the baby, 2 months premature, had to be birthed immediately by C-section. Randy had to keep his wife from going into shock. They could make things worse, or they could make things better. Life wasn't fair, but he and his wife had to rise to the challenge.

What is going on in your life that might not be fair, but you just have to "saddle up and ride?"

the fact that i do not have my own vehicle right now sucks iv had to drive my moms truck to school which makes it hard on her and other people right now its not fair but i just have to ride it out.

Chapter 18: Lucy, I'm Home

Jai caused damage to Randy's car, and dreaded telling him about it. His reaction was surprising, because he didn't get upset, and didn't even want to get estimates on the repairs. "Not everything needs to be fixed."

What is it that you've broken that you wish someone hadn't gotten mad about? Explain

my truck i messed up the motor in my truck and i can honestly see why my mom got mad but cause it was my fault the truck got messed up but it taught me that you should always take care of your things treat them right so now i know what to not do to my vehicles from now on i will be good to my things.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chapter 16: Romancing the Brick Wall

"... The bricks walls are there to stop the people who don't want something bad enough. They're there to stop the other people." Randy hit a brick wall in romancing Jai, who would eventually become his wife.

Describe a brick wall in your life that will give you a chance to show how badly you want something.

my marine boot camp will be the brick wall i have to get over in order to show how bad i want to be a marine it is a dream of mine to be a marine.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Chapter 15: Pouring Soda in the Backseat

Many times adults set kids up for failure by setting impossible standards. Randy's sister told her kids not to mess up his new convertible. Since he knew they were kids and eventually would get it dirty, he poured a can of soda on the backseats. Later, when his nephew threw up in the car, it was OK. Randy had prepared for it.

Describe a negative in your life and how it could be turned into a positive by changing your perspective

im not really sure what negatives i have mabe that i dont have a job right now and i never have my own money to buy things that i want or even do the things i would like to do but im turning this into a positive by going into the military and making it into a job.

Chapter 17; not all fairy tales end smoothly

Randy and Jai's dream wedding ended in a nightmare when the hot air balloon was going to land on railroad tracks - and a train was coming!

Describe a scary moment from your memory that you can now look back on and laugh about.

when i was younger i use to be scared to go to bed after watching scary movies looking at it now i laugh because not to many scary movies are true at all but i do believe its silly to think that some scary monster or serial killer would get me in my sleep.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Chapter 14: The Dutch Uncle.

There is a term for someone who gives you honest feedback-Dutch uncle.
Randy's Dutch uncle was Andy van Dam, Who gave him valuable advice about being arrogant

If you had a "Dutch Uncle" who would tell you the tough things you need to hear, what would he say to you?

I think he would tell me son money doesn't grow on trees that the best things in life they come free
he would tell me that no matter what my mom would always be my be that money doesn't always buy you happiness.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Chapter 12 and 13 the park is open until 8:00pm

Disney trained their employees to respond positively to the park guests. When asked when the park closes, they were taught to say, "The park is open until 8PM."
Randy was facing death, yet maintained a positive attitude. Write about a tough situation you are facing. Tell how having a positive attitude might help you.

the toughest thing i have to deal with is after graduation i am going to basic training for the united states marine corps it will be the toughest thing i have ever had to do but this is for my future and i have to do this it will be hard letting go of all my friends and leaving my family and my girlfriend behind but after basic and AIT my girlfriend soon to be wife will be able to live with me but i just ask god to grant me the strength and look after me to make things work and give me a good long prosperous life.

Chapter 11: The Happiest Place on Earth

Randy said, "Brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something." He met a flesh-and-blood brick wall when his boss refused to let him take a sabbatical at Disney Imagineering. But his strong childhood memory of a magical trip to Disneyland, and his dream to become an Imagineer, helped him finally achieve his goal.
Tell about a magical place you visited as a child, either real or imaginary.

as i young child i went on a Field trip to Washington dc i was probably in the 5th grade but it was the most memorable time as of now i think of seeing the president at the time witch was gorge w bush it was awesome i actually got to see the president of the united states seeing the Lincoln memorial to the house of congress to the movie theater that Abraham Lincoln  was assinated as i think of all the other amazing places I'm going to see be for i leave this earth  I'm excited to be here for that.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Chapter 10: Winning Big

The coolest guy at an amusement park is the one carrying around a huge stuffed  animal. Randy and his father collected the animals they had won over the years.
Tell all about a time when you won something (or earned something) that took time and effort

this past Halloween we went to universal for Halloween horror nights and there was one of those ring the bell by hitting the thing i hit it the first time and one so easily i got my girlfriend a stuffed ghost. i felt really good about myself and i was happy i got my girlfriend that ghost.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Chapter 8 and 9: You'll Find Me Under V (and) A Skill Set Called Leadership

Writing the "Virtual Reality" article for World Book Encyclopedia was the pinnacle in achieving one of his goals. Also, when William Shatner, aka Captain James T. Kirk, asked to visit Randy's virtual reality lab at Carnegie Mellon, it surpassed the goal of being Capt. Kirk, because his boyhood hero was coming to See what Randy was doing. Randy flet Capt. Kirk possess the the skill of Leadership, and always tried to lead people positively.
When Randy discovered that only 4% of pancreatic cancer patients live five years, he recalled a line from a Star Trek movie in which Cadet Kirk reprogrammed a simulation in which the entire crew would die, because "he didn't believe in a no-win scenario."
Describe a time when you beat the odds, when a no-win scenario became winnable.

when i lost my grandmother to caner that was a no win scenario but i wouldnt say i won i would just say that i coped with her loss and learned to except the fact that she was in a better place and that i would always have my memories of her but for the most part there was no winning in this no win scenario

Monday, November 26, 2012

Chapter 7: I Never Made It To The NFL

Although he did not accomplish his dream of playing in the NFL Randy felt the lessons he learned playing for Coach Graham in youth football (teamwork, sportsmanship, the value of hard work, etc.) were more important than accomplishing the goal of playing int the NFL. What character qualities do you feel are important in order for you to achieve your dreams and goals, and how will these qualities help you get what you want?

I believe that the most important qualities for me who be determination, hard work, belief,strength,courage and many more things being all these things will help me be tough mentally and physically strong.

Chapter 6: Getting to Zero G

One of his childhood dreams was floating in zero gravity. Randy  was able to overcome a "brick wall" in order to fly on the Vomit Comet with his students.
Name something you have accomplished that was once just a dream. (If you have not accomplished a dream yet, tell what the dream is and what barriers you will have to overcome in order to do it.)Cha

I have yet to accomplish my dream yet i wanna be a sheriff officer and in order to do this i must get a good education and do good in the military who knows maybe ill end up in the military for a the rest of my life but that's why it is a dream but its one i will accomplish.

chapter 5:Elevator in the Ranch House

When he was in high school Randy's parents allowed him to paint his bedroom walls, illustrating things that mattered to him. He lived in a one-story ranch style house, and he painted an elevator. He also painted math equations, a periscope behind his bunk bed, and chess pieces.
Open the Paint program. Pretend the canvas is your bedroom wall. Paint it.

NOTE: Save the painting as "Bedroom Walls _____ " (last name) and insert the image into the blog. Describe a few of the things you painted, color choices used, or why the items you painted are important to you. You have all period to work on this. Stay focused and quiet while you work

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

chapter 4:The Parent Lottery

Randy felt he had the best parents in the world. and they were the reason he was able to achieve his childhood dreams. His father always had wonderful words of wisdom.
What words of wisdom have been given to you that you will always remember? Tell the story and include who said them and what the situation was in which the words were delivered.

when i was younger my mother had told me that it feels better to work for somthing you want than to just have it given to you and the reason for that was that i was starting high school baseball and the older kids had there own bats and stuff well i wanted a brand new bat to use well i worked for the rest of the summer before school started and by baseball season started up i had a new bat to use that made me feel good

Thursday, November 15, 2012

chapter 3 the elephant in the room

When Randy began his last lecture he was aware that some people would be uncomfortable seeing a dying man on stage. He wanted to set everyone at ease by not ignoring "the elephant in the room."

Describe a situation where you felt like there was an elephant in the room - you were uncomfortable because there was an issue that needed to be dealt with but people didn't want to discuss.

i could say that there was this certain someone in the room that i  knew had bullied someone and would always pick on this person  and i went to say something to an  adult but the person was in the room with me so i couldnt discuss the issue because of the elephant in the room

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

chapter 2: life in a laptop

Randy built a PowerPoint presentation with scanned pictures from his childhood to show at the lecture. What pictures would you include if you were to put together a slide show of your life?
                                                                                                                                                                       I would start with the beginning of my life with pictures of me as a baby up to the present time maybe some pictures i took while i was in the marine corps and maybe my wedding pictures. I would also add pictures of all my loved ones who played a big part in my life.

Chapter 1 An Injured Lion Still Wants to Roar

Randy had been given the news that his cancer had returned, and he had only months to live. He inteded to give his last lecture at Carnegie Mellon Universtiy, where he was a professor in computer science. He wanted to talk about living, not dying. As he told his wife, Jai, "An injured lion still wants to roar." His title for the lecture:
                                                                                                                                                                          "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams"
What are your goals and dreams for yourself?
                                                                                                                                                                                     my dreams or goals as a child and still today is i want to be a FWC officer 
                                                                                                                                                                            What legacy do you want to leave behind? i want to be someone to be proud of someone who could be rembered for the good things i did how i surved my country and did a great job doing it.