Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Chapter 8 and 9: You'll Find Me Under V (and) A Skill Set Called Leadership

Writing the "Virtual Reality" article for World Book Encyclopedia was the pinnacle in achieving one of his goals. Also, when William Shatner, aka Captain James T. Kirk, asked to visit Randy's virtual reality lab at Carnegie Mellon, it surpassed the goal of being Capt. Kirk, because his boyhood hero was coming to See what Randy was doing. Randy flet Capt. Kirk possess the the skill of Leadership, and always tried to lead people positively.
When Randy discovered that only 4% of pancreatic cancer patients live five years, he recalled a line from a Star Trek movie in which Cadet Kirk reprogrammed a simulation in which the entire crew would die, because "he didn't believe in a no-win scenario."
Describe a time when you beat the odds, when a no-win scenario became winnable.

when i lost my grandmother to caner that was a no win scenario but i wouldnt say i won i would just say that i coped with her loss and learned to except the fact that she was in a better place and that i would always have my memories of her but for the most part there was no winning in this no win scenario

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