Friday, November 30, 2012

Chapter 12 and 13 the park is open until 8:00pm

Disney trained their employees to respond positively to the park guests. When asked when the park closes, they were taught to say, "The park is open until 8PM."
Randy was facing death, yet maintained a positive attitude. Write about a tough situation you are facing. Tell how having a positive attitude might help you.

the toughest thing i have to deal with is after graduation i am going to basic training for the united states marine corps it will be the toughest thing i have ever had to do but this is for my future and i have to do this it will be hard letting go of all my friends and leaving my family and my girlfriend behind but after basic and AIT my girlfriend soon to be wife will be able to live with me but i just ask god to grant me the strength and look after me to make things work and give me a good long prosperous life.

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