Monday, February 11, 2013

Chapter 32: Dont comlain,Just work harder

"I've always believed that if you took one-tenth the energy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you'd be suprised by how well things can work out," stated Dr. Paush in the book.

I decide right now to quit now whining and complaining about silly stuff_______________. Instead I will try to solve the problem by___not letting it bother me______________.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Chapter 31: Lets make a deal

Randy loved to tip back in the dining room chair. His mom canstantly scolded him for it. So they made an agreement: if randy broke a chair, he would replace the entire dinig room set. But until that happened, his mom would stop nagging him.

Write about a situation in which you feel a contract with a person in authority can allow you to take responsibility for your actions, and give them the freedom to stop the nagging or reprimanding you

like babysitting your little sibling for the first time the trust you are given or the duty you have to make sure your little sibling doesn't get hurt or the house does not get burnt down by macaroni in the microwave.the overall thing about this is that you are given this job to prove you can be trusted.

Chapter 30 Raising The White Flag

Randy's mom always called him Randolph. It bugged him, but they reached a compromise: she addressed his letters to R. Pausch

Families and friends do things that irritate from time to time. What things irritate you that are so minor you should raise the white flag, surrender, and move on? How will you help yourself do this?

my little brother i swear sometimes was made just to irritate me i belive but my little brother just nit picks so much he drives me crazy when he trys to pick on me me about stuff or anything he knows just how to get on my nerves

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chapter 29:Earnest Is Better Than Hip

Earnest - serious  in intention, purpose, or effort; showing depth and sincerity of feeling. Hip - familiar with or informed about the latest ideas, styles; "cool"

Randy says earnest is better than hip. What character quality would you fill in the following blank?

__________________honest_________ is better than being "cool" because ____it will give you more respect and friend ship________________________

Chapter 28: Dream Big

Randy missed watching Neil Armstrong setting foot on the moon because the directors of the summer camp he was attending felt it was the past the campers' bedtime. "Give yourself permission to dream." And fuel the dreams of others. "Once in a while, that might even mean letting them stay up past their bedtimes."

Write about a time your family "broke the rules" in order for you to experience something important
it was for baseball when i was younger they had told them that i was a year older when i played so i could learn  the inportance of being athletic and having that exsperiance of playing a  sport

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ch.27: The Promised Land

Randy wanted to enable the dreams of others on a grand scale. He developed Alice, a free download fom Carnegie Mellon that teaches computer programing to middle and high school students. Alice used a head-fake to teach the Java programing language by making it fun. Randy would never live to see Alice finished, but he was overjoyed that he was leaving behind a legacy that would enable the dreams of millions of kids.

Choose one subject you're studying this year. How could the teacher make more fun?

english we could make somthing fun by learning somthing in a game way or even just a fun learning process

Ch. 26: They Just Blew Me Away

Randy's students produced incredible work on their first project in the "Building Virtual Worlds" course. Teamwork was central to the success of the projects. Randy told them, "In this course, you can't do it alone."

Describe a time with your friends, family, or classmates when teamwork was very important.

when i first came to this school i had to come to kit camp and teamwork was very inportent

Ch. 25: Training a Jedi

Tommy Burnett dreamed of working on the next Star Wars film - before there were any plans to make three more. He knew being on Randy's research team would help him develop the skills he would need to achieve that dream. He became technical director for George Lucas' company, Industrial Light and Magic. "Luck is indeed where preparation meets opportunity."

One of my dreams for myself is that i want to be in law inforcment. A person who is helping me achieve it is my self i am the only one who can make my dream come true.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Chapter:24 A Recovering Jerk

Randy provided ways for his students to receive feedback on how they were doing,not only from him, but also from their classmates. Once, when he was a student, he listened to feedback from his mentor,Andy van Dam, and it made all the difference.

What is one of yours flaws that you are working to change, of that you SHOULD be working to change.

well I'm a very bad procrastinator I'm working on trying to fix my ways of putting things off and just doing what i need to do and do it when I'm suppose to the best way for me to fix that is by getting on the game doing what needs to be done.

Chapter:23 I'm On My Honeymoon, But If You Need Me...

Randy's solution to his boss's request that he be reachable, even on his honeymoon, was to leave his wife's parents phone number. He didn't get a single call during his month long vacation. "Time is all you have. And you may find one day that you have less than you think."

Think of 2 ways you could make better use of your time.

one way i could make better use of my time is to be doing something productive threw the day
another way is to just do the right things in life with time i have.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Chapter 22: The Truth Can Set You Free

Randy was pulled over for speeding not long after he moved his family to Virginia. The cop sked what a man with a Pennsylvania driver's license was doing in Virginia. Randy responded, "Well, officer, since you've asked, I have terminal cancer. I have just months to live. We've moved down here to be close to my wife's family." The officer let him off with a warning.

Describe a situation in which you were truthful and it set you free.

i would have to say that i have never been in this situation I'm not normally a lier nor due i ever get questioned about the things i say but i did get pulled over for speeding once and i told the officer that i just wasn't paying attention to the speed i was going he let me off with a warning